
Currant is one of the most delicious fruits that despite its small size,

has many health benefits. In general, the properties of currants for health

include improving the digestive process, lowering cholesterol, helping to lose weight, increasing blood circulation,

building bone tissue and strengthening the immune system. Besides, they help slow the aging process, lower blood pressure, protect the eyes and improve the body’s metabolism and can have anti-cancer properties. To learn more about the properties of this amazing fruit, read on.

Appearance and characteristics of currant

As we all know, currants are sweet fruits. Its tree is also a deciduous tree species. they grow in temperate regions around the world. The tree is thought to have spread from China to around the world. The currant has a unique taste and an amazing combination of nutrients. The scientific name of the currants depends on the species. The most common currant varieties include Chinese berry (Morus australis) and blackberry (Morus nigra),

but there are several other varieties. In appearance, the currant grows very fast when it is young,

but as it changes color from white or green to pink or red,

it gradually slows down and eventually turns dark purple or even black.




The taste of currant fruit

The sour or sweet taste of currant is great for syrups, jams, jellies, fruit tarts, bases, teas and juices. The taste of them varies in different parts of the world,

but in general, the taste of the American type is stronger than other types. The mulberry tree, in addition to its delicious fruit, offers another very important product, which is its leaves. Interestingly, they are the only known food source for silkworms.

The nutritional value of currant

Scientifically speaking, they are rich in nutrients including iron, riboflavin,

vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus and calcium that are all essential for the body. It also has significant amounts of dietary fiber and a wide

range of organic compounds including phytonutrients, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, anthocyanins,

lutein and various polyphenolic compounds.

Properties of currant for health

As you may know, they have many health benefits, 10 of which are as follows.

  1. Help digest food

Currant, like many fruits and vegetables, contains fiber, one serving of

which provides about 10% of your daily needs.

  1. Increase blood circulation

High levels of iron in currants can significantly increase

red blood cell production. This means that the body increases the distribution of oxygen to important tissues and organs,

thereby helping to increase metabolism and optimize the function of these systems.

  1. Regulation of blood pressure

Resveratrol is a very important flavonoid that directly affects the function of certain mechanisms in blood vessels

and reduces the risk of angiotensin, which causes the narrowing of blood vessels.

  1. Anti-cancer properties

In addition to high levels of anthocyanins, vitamin C, vitamin A and other polyphenols and phytonutrients,

currants are rich in antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid. As a matter of fact, antioxidants are the most important defense forces against free radicals,

which form a dangerous byproduct of cellular metabolism.

  1. Strengthen vision

One of the carotenoids in currants is zeaxanthin,

which is good for reducing oxidative stress in some eye cells, including retinal macula lutea. Besides, zeaxanthin acts as an antioxidant and prevents

retinal damage, including free radical damage that can cause macular degeneration and cataracts.

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties

Studies show that mulberry leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies also show that mulberry leaf tea can

reduce pain caused by inflammation. You can consume currant fresh, jams, jellies, or syrups. You can also dry it and eat it as a snack. If you do not have access to currant fruit, you can use its powder. The main nutrients in a 100-gram serving of currants are:

  • 43 calories;
  • 88% water;
  • 1.4 grams of protein;
  • 9.8 grams of carbohydrates (mostly simple sugars, such as glucose and fructose, and a little starch and fiber);
  • 8.1 grams of sugar;
  • 1.7 g of fiber (including 25% soluble fiber in the form of pectin and 75% insoluble fiber in the form of lignin);
  • 0.4 grams of fat.

If it is easier for you to count calories with a cup, each cup (equivalent to 140 grams) has 60 calories.

Precautions in consuming currant

Currants are good for lowering blood sugar levels;

especially for people with high blood sugar and diabetics. However, diabetics must consume with a doctor’s advice. It is almost rare to find someone who is allergic to dried currant,

but if this is your first time eating currant, start small and see how your body reacts. People who are allergic to pollen may also be allergic to currant.

To sum up, the natural sugar of raisins and currants is easy to digest and

provides a lot of energy for the body. But you should be careful to consume a certain amount of it

every day because you may consume too much sugar per day. Raisins, like all other dried fruits, should be eaten in moderation

because they will cause weight gain due to the carbohydrates they contain.

Important to know that industrially prepared raisins made with sulfur dioxide vapor may cause problems for people with

asthma, respiratory problems, or people who are allergic to sulfur. Of course, you can also traditionally prepare raisins. Serve raisins as a sweet snack alone with other snacks or sweets, cakes, salads and

various foods or with a cup of delicious tea instead of sugar and enjoy its magical taste and properties.